

目前顯示的是 11月, 2005的文章

[轉錄] 青木瓜泡茶-- 「痛風」再見了!

中國藥學院---賴教授改良新方式:將青木瓜切成丁放入水中煮沸後才放入茶葉,泡茶過程和一般茶葉相同。 台南縣仁德鄉後壁村長劉結慶患胃痛多年,把青木瓜當做茶壺泡茶喝,一個月後竟治癒宿疾,家人尿酸過多喝了青木瓜泡茶也不藥而癒,劉村長因而種了許多木瓜,送給有病的親友鄉親。 劉村長說,青木瓜最好選擇果實肥短,容量比較大,將木瓜頂部切開,挖出木瓜內的種籽,再開一個小缺口方便倒茶水,另一邊開個小洞透氣,放入茶葉、倒進沸水後蓋回木瓜頂部,並以牙籤固定,泡茶過程和一般茶葉相同。 劉村長表示,茶葉使用一般品質的烏龍茶即可,味道不錯,他當做茶水喝了一個月,困擾多年無法治癒的胃痛居然不藥而癒,自己也感到驚訝,他把木瓜茶葉拿給在醫學中心任職的友人檢驗,證實木瓜酵素有益健康,現在只要果園木瓜有適合的果實,就拿來與親友分享。 種 植木瓜多年的農民徐福昌說,本地民眾所指的青木瓜,就是還未成熟、果皮仍呈青綠色的木瓜,一般木瓜要四個月左右才會成熟,但成熟後就沒有療效,青木瓜大約 在三個月大左右採收,這時果實較大,果實內的「木瓜奶」含有木瓜酵素、木瓜等有益健康成份,不但可泡茶喝,還可以切塊連同排骨熬湯,或切細絲加蒜頭炒,都 非常可口,對人體也沒有不良影響。 出處不明,原作請留言告知

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撥開迷霧 市售主流AMD CPU型號一覽 附圖 全文摘自北方網 Sempron Scoket 754 是AMD 與 Intel Celeron 在低階市場正面交鋒的型號。 AMD Opteron 系列處理器降價 摘自Yblog


Load data from file.name and use a spreadsheet-like command: plot " file.name " using 5:($6*2+158) with [lines, dots, points] The annotation will replace the raw commands appeared in the legend plot " file.name " with [lines, dots, points] title "annotation" Use awk , use "< awk '{whatever}' " in the place of filename. Note there is no space after the 1st quotation. make a plot on top of another one (like hold on function in MATLAB) set multiplot on un set multiplot make 3 plots in one figure (like subplot in MATLAB) set multiplot on set size 0.5, 0.5 (default is 1, 1. This makes it 25% smaller) set origin 0,0 (default) plot whatever continue use set size/origin until it is done. output to a file set out put " filename.png " set term inal png (other options include: set term postscript color) replot Good tutorials can be found in the following: T. Kawano -- not s

Grace -- a GNU tool for plots

A WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for the X Windows System To plot the 4th and 6th columns in input file with the 4th columns in the x-axis and the 6th in the y-axis: xmgrace -block input.file -bxy 4:6 -pexec 'xaxis label "XLABEL" -pexec 'yaxis label "YLABEL"' To make NXY plot (the 1st column as the x-axis and the rest are y1(x), y2(x), and so on. xmgrace -nxy input.file Use piped data: awk '{print $4, $6}' input.file | xmgrace -pipe