

目前顯示的是 3月, 2006的文章

Pass an outside variable into awk

awk -v var=value_of_wherever '$1 >= var' input_file See the following example #/bin/bash let i=1 for ((i=1; i<=5; i++)); do # this is also called the C-like loop echo 'i = ' $i echo -n 'Now see awk result: ' awk -v test_value=$i '$1 == test_value' data_file # use -v option in awk to assign the variable $i # to test_value, which is passed inside the awk # command inside quotes. done

轉載:奇摩新聞 -- 國際專家集會討論海嘯先期預警系統措施

轉載:奇摩新聞 -- 國際專家集會討論海嘯先期預警系統措施

大英百科與Wiki百科 -- 封閉式與開放式

全文: CNet Taiwan 《自然》( Nature )期刊去年12月列出兩種百科的錯誤比較,並發現網路後起之秀維基即將迎頭趕上的報告,大英百科上週發表長達20頁的反駁。進行比 較的專家發現,維基百科共有162項事實性的錯誤、疏漏,或誤導性的陳述,大英百科則有123項。 大英百科與其他傳統的百科全書均採 封閉式 編輯系統,大量引用專家學者的文章。 維基百科 則是集合網路使用者的知識,任何人都能貢獻和編輯內容。

Research proposal writing

Proposal writer's guide -- University of Michigan Provide sections that commonly required for a successful proposal Why proposals are rejected How to write a research proposal -- Dr. Paul Wong "One's research is only as good as one's proposal." Common mistakes How to write a grant application -- National Institute of Health Currently the relevant part is "Develop you research plan"

SCI Journals

SCI ( Science Citation Index ) is provided by Thomson Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) as a collection of scientific journals that are of interest. JCR ( Journal Citation Report ), by the same company, provides the quantifiable statistical data for evaluating the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community. You can find the impact factor of an journal, for example. It can be accessed by the subscription of the school's library. At the OSU, both can be accessed at SCI and JCR . Ei Engineering Village 2 (at CCU ) Some journals and their information based on the stats in 2005: Im. Ftr. Abb. Name Name 2.833 Remote Sens Environ Remote Sensing of Environment 2.784 J Geophy Res Journal of Geophysical Research 2.491 Geophy Res Lett Geophysical Research Letters 2.562 Geol Sco Am Bull Geological Society of America Bulletin 2.224 Philos T Roy Soc A Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 1.826 Geophys J Int Geophysica


文/洪蘭(中央大學認知神經科學研究所所長) 很多父母不耐煩跟孩子溝通,在孩子小的時候用高壓的方式管教,一旦孩子長大,壓不住 時,問題就來了。 權威高壓的方式只會得到表面的服從 ,內心的不滿會像火山一樣,一旦爆發便不可收拾。所以小時候被權威高壓管教的孩子長大容易叛逆,這個叛 逆其實是積壓已久的火山出口。很多青少年常因一點小事打人殺人,這些有暴戾行為的人,基本上,從小不曾被人重視過,所以長大也不會去尊重別人。


轉錄: 無線網路時代,小心鄰居成隱形小偷 作者:王應達 CNet Taiwan 「親愛的鄰居,謝謝你沒有對無線網路採取安全防護,讓我可以瀏覽你家寶寶的滿月照、收入支出管理表和網路銀行帳號及密碼。」