
SCI Journals

SCI (Science Citation Index) is provided by Thomson Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) as a collection of scientific journals that are of interest.

JCR (Journal Citation Report), by the same company, provides the quantifiable statistical data for evaluating the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community. You can find the impact factor of an journal, for example. It can be accessed by the subscription of the school's library.

At the OSU, both can be accessed at SCI and JCR.

Ei Engineering Village 2 (at CCU)

Some journals and their information based on the stats in 2005:
Im. Ftr.
Abb. NameName
2.833Remote Sens EnvironRemote Sensing of Environment
2.784J Geophy ResJournal of Geophysical Research
2.491Geophy Res LettGeophysical Research Letters
Geol Sco Am Bull
Geological Society of America Bulletin
Philos T Roy Soc A

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A

Geophys J Int
Geophysical Journal International
1.627IEEE T Geosci RemoteIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
1.363Sensor Actuat A-Phys
Sensors and Actuators A-Physical
1.333Hydrol Earth Syst Sci
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (open access)
1.205J GeodesyJournal of Geodesy
1.079Meas Sci TechnolMeasurement Science & Technology
Earth Planets Space
Earth Planets and Space (Japan)
Terr Atmos Ocean Sci
Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
0.935Sci China Ser DScience in China Series D -- Earth Science
0.806Computat GeosciComputational Geosciences
0.779Comput Geosci-UKComputers&Geosciences
0.665J Coastal ResJournal of Coastal Research
0.638GPS Solut
GPS Solutions
0.500Geosci CanGeoscience Canada
0.333J Surv Eng-ASCEJournal of Surveying Engineering-ASCE
0.231Surv RevSurvey Review
0.190J Chin Inst Eng
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers



守望台書庫光碟2010安裝在ubuntu 11.10

更新: 書庫可以在ubuntu 12.04 (wine 1.4)中順利運行,不必經歷下面的修改步驟。 因為一不小心把ubuntu 11.04升級到11.10,發現《守望台書庫光碟2010》(Watchtower Library 2010)本來可以運作好好的,竟然不能工作了。底下是我找到的一些克服的方法: 因為是從11.04升級到11.10,因此我的wine版本是wine-1.3.28,而這個版本,也是出現問題的版本,原因在 wineHQ的網頁 上有講: Watchtower Library 2010 does not work in wine 1.3.27/28 While this bug is not fixed you can fix it yourself. You need to remove a manifest for built-in version of MS runtime library. You can do this by executing the following code in terminal: rm ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/winsxs/manifests/*.vc90.*_deadbeef.manifest 怎麼知道安裝的wine的版本?打開『終端機』,鍵入 wine --version 解決的方法 先安裝《守望台書庫光碟2010》英文版,之後再安裝中文版。我不知道安裝的先後有沒有一定,也沒測試到不裝英文會不會有影響。安裝方法跟一般的安裝微軟程式差不多。以中文版為例,放入光碟,打開『終端機』,鍵入 cd /media/WTLIB10CH wine ./Setup.exe  就會進行安裝,安裝步驟你也可以參考下面講到的  -: an everyday story of country folk :- 安裝完之後,桌面會有兩個圖示,其中一個 .link的沒有用,可以刪除。雙按桌面的另一個圖示,名稱是『Watchtower Library 2010 - 漢語繁體字』,不能執行! 接下來用上面講到的原因,要刪到一個manifest,不懂是什麼意思。在『終端機』,鍵入 rm ~/...

ubuntu 連接bluetooth mouse Logitech V470

想在ubuntu 8.04中連接無線藍芽滑鼠,種類為Logitech V470。 使用文字 終端機,有人找到圖形的連些方法嗎?我沒有很認真找,目前還找不到。 找出滑鼠的MAC碼:可以用指令hcitool scan,就會出現滑鼠的廠牌跟MAC碼。 使用下面的指令連接:sudo hidd --connect 00:07:61:00:00:00  紅色部份填入剛剛查到的MAC碼。 就好了。 資料來源, zuzu (英文) 發佈文章

安裝 Linux mint 17 的efi分割區

2016 / 7 / 17 更新: 測試了Linux Mint 17.3,沒問題,我採用單系統,就是沒有Windows whatsoever installed 底下註1的提醒,不會出現,所以要自己記得要:用EFI模式開機、 記得自己增加一個EFI partition、製作這個partition時,種類選擇EFI 即可,下面的3.說的步驟可以省略。 我的EFI partition大小為200 MB,為sda1。這是完全用猜的。 Figure credit: linuxmint.com 2015 / 9 / 10 更新: 根據  Dual Boot openSUSE 13.2 and Windows 8.1 UEFI » TweakHound 的步驟,可以解決安裝好不能開機的問題。雖然他講的是針對OpenSuse的操作,但是開機、EFI分割區等概念是相通的。在OpenSuse 13.1上面實測是ok的。 2014 / 11 / 21  重點如下: 光碟要用EFI模式開機 硬碟中要有一個EFI分割區(至少35MB,不知道這個大小是否與系統有關) 硬碟分割的那個畫面, Device for bootloader installation 處,應指到2的EFl分割區(EFI boot partition) 根據資料來源的說明如下 *  VERY IMPORTANT STEP!!!  Near bottom of window,  "Device for bootloader installation"  should be the  EFI System Partition.  Select that one in the drop-down box. It will be a small (200-550MB) partition formatted as FAT32. It will likely be /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda2; but double-check that to be sure. 註1:硬碟分割的那個畫面,如果沒有EFI分割區,按下一步時系統會...