SCI (Science Citation Index) is provided by Thomson Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) as a collection of scientific journals that are of interest.
JCR (Journal Citation Report), by the same company, provides the quantifiable statistical data for evaluating the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community. You can find the impact factor of an journal, for example. It can be accessed by the subscription of the school's library.
At the OSU, both can be accessed at SCI and JCR.
Ei Engineering Village 2 (at CCU)
Some journals and their information based on the stats in 2005:
JCR (Journal Citation Report), by the same company, provides the quantifiable statistical data for evaluating the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community. You can find the impact factor of an journal, for example. It can be accessed by the subscription of the school's library.
At the OSU, both can be accessed at SCI and JCR.
Ei Engineering Village 2 (at CCU)
Some journals and their information based on the stats in 2005:
Im. Ftr. | Abb. Name | Name |
2.833 | Remote Sens Environ | Remote Sensing of Environment |
2.784 | J Geophy Res | Journal of Geophysical Research |
2.491 | Geophy Res Lett | Geophysical Research Letters |
2.562 | Geol Sco Am Bull | Geological Society of America Bulletin |
2.224 | Philos T Roy Soc A | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A |
1.826 | Geophys J Int | Geophysical Journal International |
1.627 | IEEE T Geosci Remote | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
1.363 | Sensor Actuat A-Phys | Sensors and Actuators A-Physical |
1.333 | Hydrol Earth Syst Sci | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (open access) |
1.205 | J Geodesy | Journal of Geodesy |
1.079 | Meas Sci Technol | Measurement Science & Technology |
1.061 | Earth Planets Space | Earth Planets and Space (Japan) |
0.965 | Terr Atmos Ocean Sci | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences |
0.935 | Sci China Ser D | Science in China Series D -- Earth Science |
0.806 | Computat Geosci | Computational Geosciences |
0.779 | Comput Geosci-UK | Computers&Geosciences |
0.665 | J Coastal Res | Journal of Coastal Research |
0.638 | GPS Solut | GPS Solutions |
0.500 | Geosci Can | Geoscience Canada |
0.333 | J Surv Eng-ASCE | Journal of Surveying Engineering-ASCE |
0.231 | Surv Rev | Survey Review |
0.190 | J Chin Inst Eng | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers |