

目前顯示的是 6月, 2005的文章


原作不詳,如果您是作者,請流言告知,謝謝。 香蕉是熬夜吃的水果 平日不正常的生活習慣,是癌症、高血壓、糖尿病等疾病形成的原因。為了防止這些疾病的發生,適度的運動,和均衡攝取營養的飲食,是相當重要的。而營養高卡路里低,且能預防癌症,而引起大家注意的就是「香蕉」。 在去年日本癌症學會中,發表了香蕉具有提高免疫力、預防癌症效果的報告,而一天吃2根香蕉,就能有效地改善體質;此外,香蕉價廉、易食、攜帶又方便,是維持健康的營養素,真可說是「神奇的水果」。 香蕉可當早餐、減肥食品 香蕉對減肥相當有效,是因為它卡路里低,且食物纖維含量豐富。 香蕉非常甜,因此會被人們認為,卡路里一定很高,其實不然,一根香蕉(淨重約 100 克左右)的卡路里,只有 87 卡而已,與一餐的白飯量( 150 克 220 卡)比起來,大約只有一半以下的低卡路里。 在繁忙的生活中,利用健康食品、或補充劑,來補充飲食不均衡的人,越來越多了。而香蕉幾乎含有所有的維他命、和礦物質,因此從香蕉,可以很容易地攝取、各式各樣的營養素。其中香蕉含有相當多的鉀和鎂。鉀能防止血壓上升、及肌肉痙攣;而鎂則具有消除疲勞的效果。 由 於香蕉的消化、吸收相當良好,因此從小孩、到老年人,都能安心地食用,並補給均衡的營養。最近不吃早餐的人越來越多,而一天的活力來源,又是早餐,因此 具有立即性、且能長時間保持能量的香蕉,便成為最適合當早餐的食品了。此外,因為香蕉是低卡路里的食品,就算是正在減肥的人,也能毫不擔心的盡情食用。 香蕉中含有很多的鉀,用以平衡體內過多的鈉,鈉已知是高血壓的幫兇,香蕉中天然的鉀就成了高血壓朋友的天然保健食品,經常食用香蕉的人,患高血壓以及其它相關的心血管病變都比較少,如果您有高血壓的困擾,每天吃一兩支香蕉對您一定有幫助。 又如果吃得太鹹的話,為了不使身體內的鹽份含量過重,水份的代謝能力就會變差,所以全身變得浮腫,連腹部也凸出來。這個時候,多吃含鉀的香蕉,可幫助促進鹽份的排泄,同時應調整飲食習慣,口味要清淡。 義大利曾經有醫學院做過研究,常吃香蕉者的體內“壞的膽固醇LDL”會降低,讓您的動脈清爽健康,如果法國人因為喝紅酒讓動脈年輕,我們多吃些香蕉也不會輸給法國的紅葡萄酒,英國劍橋大學也曾做過研究,多吃含鉀食物如香蕉,得到中風機會降低 40%


這幾日 洋基 收到數百封台灣來的信件,其中還夾雜中毒信件,但是最令人好奇的某信件,卻令洋基球團眾人看了百思不解,擔心是某種重要的訊息,還特地花大錢請了知名的語文翻譯學家也只解讀出20%的文字,於是洋基球團後來把信件轉送往美國 FBI 請專家破解信件的內碼。 原信如下: for親id羊g大大ㄇ: QQ,安安ㄚㄍ位羊gㄉㄉ,挖i王j民,王投球好率好褲,挖ㄟ 把拔馬麻也I看王j民,ㄅ託羊g球團ㄍ位ㄉㄉㄅ要ㄖ王j民肥ㄑ 3A好ㄇ?ㄅ然一後挖ㄟ沒ㄅ球ㄎ看捏,為了看王j民,挖最近 都粉早ㄑ床ㄛ^Q^,以後挖ㄇ要打ㄅ球,也要打ㄓ棒,ㄅ託ㄋ ㄇ了,ㄅㄅㄅㄅ,881^^! 雖然只有簡短幾行文字,FBI一共花了48個小時,找了5個文字密碼破解專家,後來才解出信件內的文字意思,本來還以為是恐怖的恐嚇信,結果卻讓他們大出意料,文字專家布朗滿頭大汗的表示,這封信是 他一輩子碰過最難破解的 ,信件解析後才發現,原來是台灣小弟弟的鼓勵信,他說如果寄信者沒有經歷過 各種科技的歷練 ,是寫不出這種文字的,更表示任何密碼都沒有比這種更趨近外星文的語言還難理解。 Kevin說:原來我們天天上網,就是經歷各種科技的歷練,還不知道有這種好處。


Secunia表示:「問題在於JavaScript對話方塊不會顯示或包含它們的來源,因此能讓新的視窗 – 如即時的對話方塊 – 在合法網站上出現。」 根據Secunia的研究,最新版的微軟IE、IE for Mac、Safari、iCab、Mozilla、Mozilla Firefox和Camino全都有這項弱點。Opera 7和8也不例外,但 8.01版已經修正。 Mozilla Firefox開發人員已經展開行動對抗這類釣魚攻擊。阻擋不明來源的Java和Flash彈出視窗的修補程式,已於 今年4月完成 原文 -- CNet Taiwan 微軟不打算修補IE彈出視窗「漏洞」 -- 注意!! Mozilla Firefox 跟 Opera 都已經修正!


造成超過四千萬信用卡號外流的系統是Windows+IIS 事件的主角CardSystems公司,其主機的作業系統是使用Windows 2000,網頁伺服器軟體為其附的IIS Server 5.0。雖然也不能說是微軟系統的問題,但網站伺服器少用IIS已經是不少人的 共識 了,不然不會有 超過七成 的網站都用Apache網頁伺服器軟體。 詳 全文 -- 永遠的真田幸村部落格 調查結果也顯示,總部在亞特蘭大的CardSystems 不符合 萬事達卡的安全規定,例如這家付款處理公司把應刪除的紀錄仍保存下來,還用 未加密 的形式儲存交易資料 CardSystems的網站使用微軟Windows 2000作業系統及IIS Server 5.0,因而引起網友 揣測 這家付款處理公司其他的設備也可能採用微軟的軟體。 後續報導 -- CNet Taiwan


世界最古老的修道院計劃使用高科技照相技術,對西奈沙漠(Sinai Desert)堡壘要塞牆壁中保存數個世紀的古老基督教經文,進行新的揭示。包括全世界現存 最古老的典籍《西奈抄本》(Codex Sinaiticus) 中的數頁。 -- 全文 刊載于Yahoo!奇摩新聞

意識型態類文章 -- 電腦類

這裡蒐集的文章,屬於意識型態形的,所以不一定每個人都同意。不管怎麼說,同意的話,看看當作參考,不同意的話,看看就好。 窗外有自由 -- 給自己一個正確認識 Linux 的機會 作者:洪朝貴 原文刊載於《資訊與電腦》 2000/08 選擇軟體工具的自由 -- 作者:洪朝貴 原文刊載於《Linuxer》 2002/11 Linux 後勢看好 by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, (中文) at CNet FireFox比IE安全 IE7不推出Windows 2000版本 IE7要向Firefox看齊 From Browser to Platform: Mozilla Rises by By Nigel McFarlane at LinuxInsider.com 近半企業不願升級Windows XP -- 微軟雖然花了數十億打早新版本XP及Office軟體,但是許多客戶還不願意放棄花錢買來、 用的好好的 舊版軟體。 微軟六月底將停止Win2000系列主流技術支援 火狐與我的故事 為什麼你也需要用Firefox -- 作者提出三個主要原因:安全、快速、支援公開標準。作者:亞當,原文: 亞當閒話 Flickr 的模仿者 -- 要學,也學學創意就好,連使用連版面配置與用色,操作方式都跟 flickr 完全一樣 。唉,連名字都要學 Yahoo 原文: 薄荷

小狗跟熊熊 Jamie最愛的玩伴

我女兒最愛的玩具,那隻狗的肚子裡面有機關,可以錄音跟 放音,但是他用水銀電池,我們一直沒有把他打開來用,所以,我女兒還不知道他的狗有這種功能。

Little Amen Sister

Where is our little Amen sister?" This is what I was asked last night at the book study meeting. I used to take my daughter with me when I attend the meeting. She loves to participate in the discussion, although she does not understood what is being discussed just yet. She is two! She laughs whenever everybody laughs and she loves to say Amen with everybody when we pray at the beginning and the end of the meeting. The entire group is so happy to see her doing that and ultimately they call her "our little Amen sister". Last night she stayed home because she just came off a cold. It was the first time that I learned they addressed her as our little Amen sister. It's so sweet.

eBook Collection

Croarkin, C. and P. Tobias, editors. 2005. NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods . Available online at http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/ (Accessed on April 19, 2005). El-Rabbany, Ahmed. 2002. Introduction to GPS: the Global Positioning System . Boston, Massachusetts: Artech House, c2002. (Its electric form can be accessed from OSU Library ).


x = 0 : 0.1pi : 6pi y(x) = sin(x) + sin(2x) + sin(3x) The mininum sampling spacing dx = 0.1pi. Niquist frequency = 1 / (2*dx) = 5 / pi. fy = | fft(y - ybar) |, where ybar is mean of y. N is the number of samples = 61. The dominant terms in the frequency domain are at N = 4, 7, 10. N cycles period which signal? 1 0 infinite ybar 4 3 6pi/3=2pi sin(x) 7 6 6pi/6=pi sin(2x) 10 9 6pi/9=2pi/3 sin(3x) 31 30 6pi/30=pi/5 1/( Niquist freq )

Helmert Blocking

It is used to solved for the coordinates of a large network consisting of several sub-blocks . With given normal equation from each individual block, the solution of the entire network can be achieved by block by block without solving the normal equation of the entire network. It is computation economical. See description in Geodesy: the Concepts by Petr Vanicek and Edward Krakiwsky (1986). The formula and f77 codes can be found in here .

Mathematical Libraries

MPI - Messing Passing Interface Standard for parallel processing LAPACK -- Linear Algebra PACKage ScaLAPACK -- similar to LAPACK, only it does parallel processing IMSL -- Numerical LIbraries (for C, Fortran etc). It costs you. A software key is needed to use lincense manager.

Go Gators!!

Bloging tools

在Blogger.com上按 月份文章縮排 、 分類彙整 文章,講的比Blogger.com的說明來的清楚啦! 還有一些 相關文章 的蒐集。 其他部落格相關工具 美味書籤 -- 有標籤功能的網路書籤,也可用來作 Blogger.com 上的文章分類(要配合使用 FeedSweep ) Adam Kalsey -- 在Blogger.com中使用trackback沒有辦法中的辦法 Displaying local time in different time zone: Clocklink.com Showing the hitmap: Hitmaps Burn seed of your blog: Seedburner Check the web OS and server: Netscraft Free counter: Bravenet Blog search Photoshop tutorial at depiction.com flickr -- an picture sharing site. Here is my account. Here is my account . Weather banner from weather underground 無名小站備份 -- 教你如何把無名小站的照片完整的備份出來,如果你要搬站的話。 flickr 新手上路

MIT Open Course Ware

中文課程列表 Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences see these interesting courses: Modern Navigation -- about GPS and stuff, Prof. Tom Herring Geodynamics -- about tetonic motions Principles of GPS -- Prof. Tom Herring 中文部分 其他相關: 開放式課程計劃 Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System

UNIX commands

Merge columns from two files: paste file1 file2 > file3 Find and do something else: find . -name 'Buckeye*.txt' -exec ls {} \; Notice there is a space between } and \ convert between encoding: iconv

Recreation Facilities and Programming Fee at OSU

The students at the Ohio State University have been paying for an additional, mandatory fee called Recreation Facilities and Programming Fee. The schedule for this particular fee, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustee, is as following: Winter 2005 and before: $0 Spring 2005: $12 Summer 2005: $42 Autumn 2005: $42 Winter 2006: $42 Spring 2006: $42 Summer 2006 and later: $76 This fee is an additional, mandatory to every student who enrolls four credit hours and more in a quarter. With this fee, you get to use top-notch (although not fully finished) recreation facilities in the Columbus campus. I was wondering for a while whether the OSU is a educational institute, or a gym. This fee should be optional for those who would like to use the gym. Believe me, those gyms will be very great when they finished. Posting the fee as mandatory is unreasonable and shows little thinking to the different need of each and every student. Same logic should also be applied to the on campus park

Buckeye Village Bills Estimation

Buckeye Village rent increases %25 in the last four years (2000 - 2004), whereas University Village rent increases only %8. So if you are considering Buckeye Village, beware of the potential rent increase over years at Buckeye Village. This info reflects the personal opinion of my contacts who lives at both facilities. BV 別處 差價 房租 暖氣 電費 電話 電視 網路 660 + 30(?) free 25 17 16 free 625 45 25 15 40 30 -35-30(?) +45 +0 -2 +24 +30 合計 718+30(?) 780 +62-30(?) (?) is the potential rent increase in Sept 2005.


很重要喔!不要以為有刷卡買機票就不用再買個人旅遊平安險了!!一般民眾都認為刷卡買機票,發卡銀行會負起理賠責任。但是台北市議員高建智在華航空難之 後,對發卡銀行逐一調查,結果發現,如果民眾坐的是航班表上沒有表定的包機或是加班機,90%以上的銀行,都有權利不理賠!請消費者睜大眼睛。刷卡買機 票,或支付旅行社的團費,真的就可以獲得飛安的意外保險嗎?那 可不見得!因為如果您買的是航班表上沒有的包機或加班機,一旦出了事,和發卡銀行配合的保險公司,可以不負理賠責任!因為目前旅遊平安險上規定的公共運輸 工具是指經政府許可,在固定航班,固定路線上的交通工具,就因為這固定兩個字,如果不在表定上的飛機,有變動性,就可以不理賠!根據議員的調查,包括日商 三井,新光,泰安,國泰,蘇黎世 等五家產物保險公司都對包機和加班機,不負理賠責任,而國內和他們配合的發卡銀行,更多達24家,佔90以上的信用卡市場。春節旅遊旺季又快到了, 查清楚飛機是否在固定航班表上,並詢問保險理賠條款 ,才是消費者唯一自保的方法!



Recipe: Cheesecake

This is a recipe from my friend, John Lin. Keebler Graham cracker pie crust Filling: 8 oz cream cheese (Philadelphia), 1/4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1/4 tablespoon vanilla extract 2 eggs, dash of salt Topping: 1 cup sour cream (Knudsen, not low fat, 8 oz) 2 tablespoons sugar, 1/4 tablespoon vanilla extract Steps: 1. defrost cream cheese for half an hour. 2. well mix filling 3. pour filling over the crust 4. "burn" it in 325 degrees F for 30 - 35 min. until it sets 5. mix topping and pour it over the filling 6. "burn" again in 325 degrees F for 10 min. 7. freeze in when it cools down

OpenOffice.org tips

自由軟體教學錄影帶 -- 作者歐展嘉。一些OpenOffice 的使用「密技」 Templates OO.o Extra -- full of tamplates, lables and others. OpenOffice.org Impress Templates -- a good site hosted by C.H. Tsai Templates, tutorial and more OpenOffice.org Support Site -- by Good-Day Inc. The Linux Box Free MS Power Point Templates -- hosted by S. Coleman Business Presentation Templates -- HP Small & Medium Business MS Power Point Templates and Slide Designs :This can be used under the End-User License Agreement: 1.3 License Grant for Templates. The Software may include document templates. You may copy and modify the document templates available as part of the Software and distribute such templates along with your modifications for use by other licensees of a Software Product, but only for personal or commercial correspondence involving person-to-person communication. You are not licensed to do any of the following: You may not sell, resell, license, rent, lease, lend, or othe

Link collection for computers

Win4lin - a MS Windows emulator. Dive into accessibility - build a more accessable web in 30 days. 螢火蟲論壇 - collection of linux Chinese localization. iGMT - interactive Generic Mapping Tool No IE - tell you why you should not use it in Chinese Spychecker Sandisk Exhibit Engine -- a PHP/MySQL application for online photo hosting. A GNU software 超頻者天堂 -- 還用多說嗎? 各種輕量級視窗管理軟體比較 from 自由軟體技術交流網 Eprint --a GNU free software which creates online archives. It acts as a repository of the research output of an institute. It is implemented in our lab. Our archive can be found here at geoprints. 新酷音輸入法

Link collection for everything else

Google's scholar search , a site for scientific PDF search. 龍的部落格 Taiwanese Blogger Campaign 芋頭湯 by 球球 晶瑩之心 Bugmenot.com bug me not The Quest for the Rest Chinese Yellow Page 維基百科 日語翻譯機 The Internet Movie Database Simcity 3000 Worth1000.com - a picture is worth of 1000 words.

Link collection for shopping

Steve's Digicams - a great site for digital camera reviews. Better Business Bureau Consumer Product Reviews OSU IBM deals BestBookBuy.com - comparing book price for Contact lens online stores: Coastal Contacts.com -- Focus Dailies 90 pk for $37.89, free shipping. Vision Direct.com -- Focus Dailies 90 pk for $39.95, free shipping. 1-800-contact.com -- Focus Dailies 90 pk for $44.95, free shipping.

Manual of all kinds

HTML 4.0 語法 from 亞普達 SuSE Linux documentations from Novell Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide , An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting by Mendel Cooper from The Linux Documentation Project vim , 大家來學vim 歷久彌新的編輯器, by Edward Lee from The Study Area NVU , a web design software, user's manual in Chinese .

SuSE LINUX 9.1 Professional fine tune note

1. Install 9.1 Perfessional in English 2. install nVidia 3D acceleration capibility YOU -> Installable and Installed Patches -> Download NVIDIA(r) Graphics Driver Reboot the system Note: turning off X Window by using telinit 3 , and then, telinit 5 . 3. use of USB dirves Plug it in (It is usually recognized as a SCSI drive so we use /dev/sda1 to mount it). mount -t subfs /dev/sda1 /media/usb to unmount it: umount /dev/sda1 A nice walk through can be found here . gcin , an alternative of xcin? xcin configuration is here . 4. Mount a ISO image as a drive (e.g., mount abcd.iso to /mnt/cdrom) mkdir /mnt/cdrom mount -t iso9660 -o loop /opt/images/abcd.iso /mnt/cdrom

Canon SD300

It is called Canon IXUS 40 in Asia. It has 640x480x30 movie capability and one minute of 60 frames per second movie ability. Here is the link in Taipei: Here . CNet 中文評鑑 Some specification: Lens: 35 - 105 mm (35 mm film equivalent) First image captured: 1.5 seconds Shutter lag: 0.1/0.3 seconds pre-focused/auto-focused Shot-to-Shot time: 1.4 seconds/2-3 seconds without/with flash Battery life: 140/400 shots with LCD off/on, or 180 minutes of continuous playback


This is a view from my back yard. As announced today in a tenant meeting that these courts in the back will be torn down for the athletic department in the future. It is worthwile putting this photo here.