
聖經裡面提到的測量工具 Surveying Instruments Mentioned in the Bible

聖經當中提到不少測量工具,計畫根據現在的閱讀計畫,將慢慢的增列,經文引用自聖經新世界譯本(New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures),資料來源:英文中文

我舉目觀看,見有一個人,手裏拿着量繩。於是我説:“你要到哪裏去?” 他對我説:“我要去量度耶路撒冷,看城有多長多寬。”(撒迦利亞書 2:1-2)  
And I proceeded to raise my eyes and see; and, look! there was a man, and in his hand a measuring rope. So I said: “Where are you going?” In turn he said to me: “To measure Jerusalem, in order to see what her breadth amounts to and what her length amounts to.”(Zechariah 2:1-2)
 跟我説話的天使前來,對我説:“請你舉目觀看,看接着來的是甚麽。” 我説:“這是甚麽?” 他説:“是個量籃。”他又説:“裏面所盛的是全地的醜態。”忽然圓形的鉛蓋打開了,有個婦人坐在量籃裏。天使説:“這就是‘邪惡’。”他把婦人推回量籃裏,在量籃口上,蓋上沉重的鉛蓋。(撒迦利亞書 5:5-8)
Then the angel who was speaking with me went forth and said to me: “Raise your eyes, please, and see what this is that is going forth.” So I said: “What is it?” In turn he said: “This is the e′phah measure that is going forth.” And he went on to say: “This is their aspect in all the earth.” And, look! the circular lid of lead was lifted up; and this is a certain woman sitting in the midst of the e′phah. So he said: “This is Wickedness.” And he proceeded to throw her [back] into the midst of the e′phah, after which he threw the lead weight upon its mouth.(Zechariah 5:5-8) 

(彌迦書 6:10-12) 惡人家裏還有不義之財嗎? 還有可惡不合標準的量器嗎?如果我使用不義的天平,袋裏有騙人的砝碼,我還算清白嗎? 城裏的富户常用暴力,城裏的居民愛説假話,人人油嘴滑舌,説話詭詐。
(Micah 6:10-12)  Can I be [morally] clean with wicked scales and with a bag of deceptive stone weights? For her own rich men have become full of violence, and her own inhabitants have spoken falsehood, and their tongue is tricky in their mouth.

所以在耶和華的會衆裏,你不會有人拉出量繩,抽籤分地了。(彌迦書 2:5)
Therefore you will come to have no one casting out the cord, by lot, in the congregation of Jehovah. (Micah 2:5)
“你們這些吞吃窮人,為要消滅地上謙和人的,要聽以下的話。你們説:‘新月節幾時才過去,好讓我們賣穀物呢? 安息日幾時才過去,好讓我們賣麥子呢?我們要把量籃弄小,把砝碼加重,用假天平騙人(阿摩司書 8:4-5)
“Hear this, YOU men snapping at someone poor, even in order to cause the meek ones of the earth to cease, saying, ‘How long will it be before the new moon passes and we may sell cereals? Also, the sabbath, and we may offer grain for sale; in order to make the e′phah small and to make the shekel great and to falsify the scales of deception; (Amos 8:4-5)
他又使我預見一個景象:耶和華手拿測錘,站在一道按測錘築成的牆上。 耶和華對我説:“阿摩司,你看見甚麽?”我説:“一個測錘。”耶和華説:“我要在我的子民以色列人當中放下測錘,我不會再饒恕他們。(阿摩司書 7:7-8)
 This is what he caused me to see, and, look! Jehovah was stationed on a wall [made with] a plummet, and there was a plummet in his hand. Then Jehovah said to me: “What are you seeing, A′mos?” So I said: “A plummet.” And Jehovah went on to say: “Here I am setting a plummet in the midst of my people Israel. I shall no more do any further excusing of it. (Amos 7:7-8)
When the man went forth eastward with a measuring line in his hand, he also proceeded to measure a thousand in cubits and to make me pass through the water, water [up] to the ankles.(Ezekiel 47:3)
Accurate scales and an accurate ephah and an accurate bath measure YOU men should come to have. (Ezekiel 45:10)

And he proceeded to bring me there, and, look! there was a man. His appearance was like the appearance of copper, and there was a flax cord in his hand, and a measuring reed, and he was standing in the gate. (Ezekiel 40:3)
Jehovah has thought of bringing the wall of the daughter of Zion to ruin. He has stretched out the measuring line. He has not turned back his hand from swallowing up. And he causes rampart and wall to go mourning. Together they have faded away. (Lamentations 2:8)

Then I wrote in a deed and affixed the seal and took witnesses as I went weighing the money in the scales. (Jeremiah 32:10)
耶和華説:“‘假如人能往上量度高天,往下測透大地的根基,我也就能因以色列全體苗裔所做的一切而棄絶他們。’這是耶和華説的。” 耶和華説:“看哪!日子快到了,這座城必從哈楠業塔樓直到角門建造起來,歸給耶和華。量度的準繩還要延伸出去,直到迦立岡,繞到歌亞。(耶利米書31:37-39)
This is what Jehovah has said: "'If the heavens up above could be measured and the foundations of the earth below could be searched out, I myself also could reject the entire seed of Israel on account of all that they have done,' is the utterance of Jehovah." Look! There are days coming," is the utterance of Jehovah, "and the city will certainly be built to Jehovah from the Tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate. And the line for measurement will yet actually go forth straight ahead to the hill of Ga´reb, and it will certainly go around to Go´ah. (Jeremiah 31:37-39)

誰能用手心量海水,用手掌量高天,用容器量大地的塵土,用稱山岳,用天平稱岡陵呢?誰能測量耶和華的動力,誰能做他的謀士指教他呢? (以賽亞書40:12, 13)
Who has measured the waters in the mere hollow of his hand, and taken the proportions of the heavens themselves with a mere span and included in a measure the dust of the earth, or weighed with an indicator the mountains, and the hills in the scales? Who has taken the proportions of the spirit of Jehovah, and who as his man of counsel can make him know anything? (Isaiah 40:12, 13) the measuring line

And the pelican and the porcupine must take possession of her, and long-eared owls and ravens themselves will reside in her; and he must stretch out over her the measuring line of emptiness and the stones of wasteness. (Isaiah 34:11)

And I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the leveling instrument... (Isaiah 28:17)

我必在耶路撒冷之上拉開量度撒馬利亞的繩子,擺上測量亞哈家的水平儀。我要抹淨耶路撒冷,像人抹淨盤子, 抹淨了, 就把盤子翻過來。(列王紀下21:13)
And I shall certainly stretch upon Jerusalem the measuring line applied to Samaria and also the leveling instrument applied to the house of Ahab; and I shall simply wipe Jerusalem clean just as one wipes the handleless bowl clean, wiping it clean and turning it upside down. (2 Kings 21:13)

你知道誰定大地的尺寸,誰拉準繩量度大地嗎? (約伯記38:5)
Who set its measurements, in case you know, Or who stretched out upon it the measuring line? (Job 38:5)

The measuring lines themselves have fallen for me in pleasant places. Really, my own possession has proved agreeable to me. (Psalm 16:6)

And because of them he gradually drove out the nations, And by the measuring line he went allotting them an inheritance, So that he caused the tribes of Israel to reside in their own homes. (Psalm 78:55)

* 印象中:以賽亞書、以西結書、啟示錄也有,等發現的時候再增列。



octave 繪圖的字體調整 fontsize

用octave繪圖的時候,通常有下面的調整: figure (1);  #####設定x軸字體 xticklabel set(gca(), 'fontsize', 24)    plot(randn(100,1)); #####利用text property調整字體 legend('{\fontsize {24} random pts}');  xlabel('{\fontsize {24} X axis annotation'); 參考資料: octave manual matlab central

守望台書庫光碟2010安裝在ubuntu 11.10

更新: 書庫可以在ubuntu 12.04 (wine 1.4)中順利運行,不必經歷下面的修改步驟。 因為一不小心把ubuntu 11.04升級到11.10,發現《守望台書庫光碟2010》(Watchtower Library 2010)本來可以運作好好的,竟然不能工作了。底下是我找到的一些克服的方法: 因為是從11.04升級到11.10,因此我的wine版本是wine-1.3.28,而這個版本,也是出現問題的版本,原因在 wineHQ的網頁 上有講: Watchtower Library 2010 does not work in wine 1.3.27/28 While this bug is not fixed you can fix it yourself. You need to remove a manifest for built-in version of MS runtime library. You can do this by executing the following code in terminal: rm ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/winsxs/manifests/*.vc90.*_deadbeef.manifest 怎麼知道安裝的wine的版本?打開『終端機』,鍵入 wine --version 解決的方法 先安裝《守望台書庫光碟2010》英文版,之後再安裝中文版。我不知道安裝的先後有沒有一定,也沒測試到不裝英文會不會有影響。安裝方法跟一般的安裝微軟程式差不多。以中文版為例,放入光碟,打開『終端機』,鍵入 cd /media/WTLIB10CH wine ./Setup.exe  就會進行安裝,安裝步驟你也可以參考下面講到的  -: an everyday story of country folk :- 安裝完之後,桌面會有兩個圖示,其中一個 .link的沒有用,可以刪除。雙按桌面的另一個圖示,名稱是『Watchtower Library 2010 - 漢語繁體字』,不能執行! 接下來用上面講到的原因,要刪到一個manifest,不懂是什麼意思。在『終端機』,鍵入 rm ~/.wine/drive_c/windo

Windows 使用遠端桌面(RDP) 連線遙控 Linux Mint

Main steps: make sure xrdp and vino are installed make sure extra tightvncserver is also installed use vino-preferences to switch on/off the permission use sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp restart to restart vnc server references: Windows 使用遠端桌面(RDP) 連線遙控 Ubuntu install tightvncserver image credit: sourceforge.net